山嵐繚繞 徐風輕拂 歡迎您來到奮起湖




Recommended routes for admiring Alishan sunrise by driving a car


  1. 奮起湖→阿里山森林遊樂區

Drive your car from Fenchihu to Alishan Forest Recreation Area,at 88Kof the road


◆阿里山門票(國旅)$ 200元NTD;(外)$ 300元NTD。

  Ticket for local: 200 NTD per person; Ticket for outsider: 300NTD per person.



  Alishan Train Station to Zhushan Station, then walk for 15 to 20 minutes to

Mt. Hsiaoliyuan for a panorama view



  Alishan Train Station to Zhushan Station, then walk about 10 minutes to Zhushan.



  Take a train from Alishan Train Station to Zhushan Station,

One Way Ticket price $150.NTD, Round Trip $300.NTD.



You can take a train when return and get off at Tzaopin Train Station, then tour around Tzaopin Park, Sisters Lake, Giant Divine trees area.


※要看日出可以在奮起湖車站買預售票(13:00~16:00可坐祝山線),16:40公布。If you plan to see Alishan sunrise, you can get a presale ticket at Fenchihu Train Station (You can get a ticket set out for Zhushan, 13:00~16:00) , the accurate set-out time will be announced at 16:40.


2.      奮起湖→自忠97K(玉山下日出)→鹿林神木→猴子天橋→塔塔加→夫妻樹→阿里山森林遊樂區

Fenchihu-Tzchoung, at 97K- Lulin Giant Divine Tree-Macaque Overcrossing-Tatajia-Couple tree-Alishan Forest Recreation Area.


3.      奮起湖→巃頭57K(觀日平台)


Fenchihu-Longtou, at 57K. (A view platform) Park your car at the parking lot of Meiyuan View Hotel, then take the trail leading to the platform.



⑴    If you are not going to drive, you can choose to take a charter van from Fenchihu to Alishan, fees for one way is $1500.-NTD. A car.



⑵You can also choose to go by pooling from Fenchihu to Alishan, 5 persons at a time, the fee is $300 NTD. per person.